VSEnergy provides a range of Resource Management services, to facilitate in house implementation of all types of energy cost reducing projects, ranging from simple operation and maintenance procedure changes, control system sequence changes, ventilation modifications, distributed generation, and sophisticated interactive projects such as thermal energy storage, co-generation, and fuel switching projects.
Resource Management as an ongoing function.
Resource Efficiency Management has been cited by numerous energy journals as one of the most cost effective measures which can be undertaken within a facility. In the simplest terms, REM services are the identification, Engineering, implementation and measurement and verification (M&V) of energy conservation measures within a facility by a well trained experienced individual or team with the specific responsibility for producing cost reductions. REM contracts must, by definition have a positive financial impact almost immediately. Typically, in commercial buildings, REM contracts have a cost / benefit ratio of between 3:1 and 5:1. However within industrial facilities, with higher overall operating costs, and much larger resource conservation opportunities, REM contracts can have cost / benefit ratios as high as 30:1.
The primary components and focus of REM contracts are:
Resource Conservation Awareness, and Training
Awareness and training typically involves the training of operations, maintenance and engineering personnel within the facility, to become more cognizant of energy consumption. Awareness of energy consumption impacts existing operations as well as plans for expansion, additions and modifications to existing facilites, as well as more conventional energy conservation projects within existing facilities. By imbuing the need for long term resource conservation into Plant and building operating personnel, continuous focus on driving energy and resource costs out of processes is achieved. There is no other way to so cost effectively drive out operating costs on a permanent basis. As routine maintenance and repairs are undertaken, a conscious effort is made to select products and devices (i.e. high efficiency electric motors versus standard motors) which reduce energy consumption, and offer superior efficiency. The marginal cost benefit analysis, focused on resource consumption of each project, will over time yield greatly reduced facility operating costs, and greater equipment life.
Operation and Maintenance Changes
Reviewing operation and maintenance procedures from the perspective of resource conservation allows positive impact changes to be implemented quickly with little or no capital investment. Setpoint and schedule changes made through computer control systems, lubricant changes in air compressors, ventilation changes impacting building pressurization, can all have positive impacts on processes and comfort levels while reducing energy costs concurrently. VSEnergy staff, with extensive plant experience, and the ability to quickly identify these low cost operational changes, provides high impact, low cost operation changes to help realize cost reductions from the first day on a project. To realize these benefits does not require an extensive energy audit, expensive measurement tools, or detailed and high cost engineering. It does require experience and trained individuals, with the ability to quickly identify, and analyze the systemic effects of operation and maintenance changes.